New Moon Pisces & Full Moon Virgo Lunar Eclipse | Liberation From Limitation Time! Own Your Mastery

New Moon Pisces & Full Moon Virgo Lunar Eclipse | Liberation From Limitation Time! Own Your Mastery

Hello, Viewers! Welcome To My ‘RozyGlow’ Official YouTube Channel. New Moon Pisces Energy Update! Are you ready to claim the courage to own your mastery? We are experiencing a new moon in the old world of Pisces, in the new frequency of the age of Aquarius before the new astrological year kicks biggie lol. 'Getting lost' in the new world so we can find our way and shine the light for others to follow. Trailblazers, pioneers and conscious creatives, you know I am speaking to you! The lovely Sandy Fehlbaum joined us and shared some of her experiences of moving from limitation to liberation and how she got started. In this energy update I asked you to please interact and let me know what you want. 1. Firstly...if you identify with the impoverished artist mindset and want to change that, post a #survivingtothriving in the comments. 2. Let me know if you prefer the idea of the online 'Attracting it, having it and keeping it in the 5D frequency' masterclass and the full moon nervous system reset manifesting circle both being on the SAME day (Wednesday 12th March 7.30pm GMT) #starpeace1 OR Masterclass on Wednesday 8pm and Full moon event on Thursday 8pm #starpeace2 3. Now for the big one! Our monthly Full Moon Manifesting Circle is now becoming a monthly membership with lots of extras! This will include a monthly masterclass, a live monthly full moon CoCreating and clearing resistance event AND digital resources to support the shift from surviving to THRIVING. Yes! All this for the price of the StarPeace 101 book- £14.44 a month. Cancel any time, not that you will want to! What do we call it? I have 5 options, all listed below. Please let me know your preference by putting the title number in a comment and...if you come up with something different, or put together a combo of the title and strapline I haven't shared here, and i like it more... I'm gonna send you a signed copy of my book as a thank you! And I will credit you publicly too! Here are the options: 1. The StarPeace THRIVE Portal – Align with cosmic flow and step into the art of CoCreation with your Highest Self 2. Manifestation Mastery: The Full Moon THRIVE Circle – Upgrade your reality with intention and energy work. 3. Divine Human Collective: Where hyper-independent souls evolve into empowered co-creators of the THRIVE paradigm 4. StarPeace Personal Paradise Portal: Align with your thriving reality & CoCreate with your Highest Self 5. The Paradise Earth Portal: CoCreating a thriving reality for all as the StarPeace Collective 6. Your own idea/combo of the messaging above. I am super passionate about CoCreating WITH you. We are all aspects of the Divine coming together to CoCreate the very best we can imagine into being. Thank you for your comments- i will endeavour to get back to each one. Happy Friday gorgeous ones! If you want to sign up for anything head to Here Are Some Key Videos I Suggest Watching: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aligning with The Vibe to THRIVE In 2025:    • Aligning with The Vibe to THRIVE In 2025   New Year Gift | MultiDimensional Yoga Class | Align with The Divine and Be The Thrive Vibe in 2025:    • New Year Gift | MultiDimensional Yoga...   CoCreating StarPeace Eutopia | Parenting Neuro Diverse Children Consciously With Cathy Domoney:    • CoCreating StarPeace Eutopia | Parent...   Awakening Humanity Full Moon Leo 2025 Self Love Upgrade | I AM Safe To Receive The Love I Desire:    • Awakening Humanity Full Moon Leo 2025...   Aquarius New Moon & Year of The Wood Snake 2025 | A Higher Perspective On Current World Stage Events:    • Aquarius New Moon & Year of The Wood ...   Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful videos. I appreciate your support! new moon pisces, full moon virgo lunar eclipse, liberation from limitation time, new moon pisces 2025, full moon virgo, lunar eclipse, new moon, full moon, inner peace, lunar eclipse 2025, cosmic energy, full moon vibes, full moon pisces, manifestation power, lunar eclipse, zodiac signs, starseeds, starpeace, new moon 2025, spiritual awakening, cocreation, own your mastery, liberation, full moon energy, moon rituals, new moon ritual, self mastery, manifestation, new moon in pisces, full moon in virgo 2025, all 12 signs, rozyglow, new moon in pisces 2025 all signs #newmoonpisces #fullmoon #fullmoonvirgolunareclipse #fullmoonvibes #liberationfromlimitationtime #newmooninpisces #ownyourmastery #fullmooninvirgo #universe #starseedsunite #starseedsawaken #liberation #fullmoonvirgo #lunareclipse #cocreating #cocreation #manifestingpower #newmoonpisces2025 #spiritualawakening #fullmoonenergy #personalmastery #personalmastery #moonrituals #newmoonritual #selfmastery #rewriteyourstory #narrative #fullmoonenergy #lunareclipse2025 #personalnarrative #personalnarratives #innerpeacejourney #cosmicenergy #manifestationpower #paradiseliving #lunareclipse #zodiacsigns #starseeds #starpeace