3 High Protein Breakfast Meals for Muscle Growth

3 High Protein Breakfast Meals for Muscle Growth

Here's 3 of my go to high protein breakfast meals. Recently I've been lowering my carb intake for the first half of the day and fueling my body with healthy fats for more stable energy levels. All of these meals are delicious but I choose them based on the time I have available to cook. I highly recommend trying each of them to see which one is your favorite. Find my spices & cookbooks here at https://www.cookwithjb.com 1:1 Coaching: https://www.truevinefitcoaching.com/ Ingredients Turkey Sausage Breakfast Wrap Two whole eggs Three egg whites Cheddar cheese Ground turkey Baby spinach Tomato Avocado Sriracha mayo Carb counter tortilla wrap Sides Strawberries Kiwi Blueberries Turkey Sausage Breakfast Wrap Calories: 645 Carbs: 35g Fats: 33g Protein: 56g Mexican Breakfast Omelette Two whole eggs Five egg whites Uncured, turkey bacon Spinach Cheddar cheese Salsa Avocado Sides Ezekiel bread Cream cheese Mexican Breakfast Omelette Calories: 720 Carbs 40g Fats 36g Protein 59g Santa Fe Skillet Two whole eggs Five egg whites Russet potatoes Flank steak Cheddar cheese Bell peppers Mushrooms Yellow onion Salsa Avocado Cilantro Sante Fe Skillet Calories: 993 Carbs 59g Fats 47g Protein 87g #MuscleChef #MealPrep #FoodVlogger #HealthyFood #Chef #Kitchen Subscribe, Like & Comment for feedback My other sites 👇🏾 Instagram: @jbailey_justdoit TikTok:@jbailey_justdoit Training App: https://joshbaileyapp.com Website: https://www.truevinefit.com