Cleaning Previa Catalytic Converters With Lacquer Thinner For The Dreaded P0420 Code
Our 1994 Previa LE SC AllTrac has been throwning a P0420 Catalytic Converter Effiency code the past several months - and yes, the 1994 Previa does indeed have a functioning OBD2 (Engine Module). I try out the Scott Kilmer 1 Gallon of Laquer Thinner to 1/2 Tank of Fuel and drive 150 miles at 75 miles per hour to clean the interior of the catalytic converters. You can check out the original Scotty Kilmer video here: • How to Clean Your Car's Catalytic Con... I think the P0420 code is coming from rotting of the 1994 OEM exhaust flex pipe - it definitely has a few small holes that sound terrible under full throttle. We are taking Floki - the Previa Super Van - on a camping adventure to Taos, New Mexico - throwing on Tiger Patches to see if I can tidy things up a bit as a temporary fix until I can get the Previa into Boulder Muffler for a professional repair. The Previa might just need a new Flex Pipe, (2) Catalytic Converters, and (2) O2 Sensors.......stay tuned for an update coming soon..... 1994 Toyota Previa LE SC AllTrac Thumbnail: Herding Cats @jamiecars