Cleaning Previa Catalytic Converters With Lacquer Thinner For The Dreaded P0420 Code

Cleaning Previa Catalytic Converters With Lacquer Thinner For The Dreaded P0420 Code

Our 1994 Previa LE SC AllTrac has been throwning a P0420 Catalytic Converter Effiency code the past several months - and yes, the 1994 Previa does indeed have a functioning OBD2 (Engine Module). I try out the Scott Kilmer 1 Gallon of Laquer Thinner to 1/2 Tank of Fuel and drive 150 miles at 75 miles per hour to clean the interior of the catalytic converters. You can check out the original Scotty Kilmer video here:    • How to Clean Your Car's Catalytic Con...   I think the P0420 code is coming from rotting of the 1994 OEM exhaust flex pipe - it definitely has a few small holes that sound terrible under full throttle. We are taking Floki - the Previa Super Van - on a camping adventure to Taos, New Mexico - throwing on Tiger Patches to see if I can tidy things up a bit as a temporary fix until I can get the Previa into Boulder Muffler for a professional repair. The Previa might just need a new Flex Pipe, (2) Catalytic Converters, and (2) O2 Sensors.......stay tuned for an update coming soon..... 1994 Toyota Previa LE SC AllTrac Thumbnail: Herding Cats ‪@jamiecars‬