The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Sunday 21st July 2024

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Sunday 21st July 2024

Today, we join Pauline Vella from Anglesey for Morning Prayer on Saturday, 20th July, during the 15th week in ordinary time. The morning prayer this week is coming from the Oblates Mission on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales. The mission is made up of 6 parishes and members from across the community are kindly welcoming us into their homes to gather in prayer. Gospel Matthew 12:14-21 He cured them all but warned them not to make him known Pauline reflects: "From early on in his ministry, many seem to be out to bring death to Jesus, whereas Jesus himself was always in the business of bringing life. Healing love to others to allow them to share in God's own life."  Thank you for joining us this morning. Music by OpenMusicList from Pixabay