Happy 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Happy 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time! Thank you for joining us. In the midst of the darkness, the quaking of the heavens, and the “unsurpassed distress” of the last days, one thing remains to give us comfort: the presence of Jesus Christ. “They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds.” Christ himself is his Word that “will not pass away.” “The wise shine brightly” in the midst of such darkness by clinging to this Word with full awareness, obedience, and trust. As for Christ, “now he waits until his enemies are made his footstool.” As for us, we trust that he is leading us to justice and to the fullness of joys in his presence. “By one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” \_Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708 \_For those who are able, please consider supporting our efforts here at OLM, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here https://bit.ly/33zLmGf Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy, your generosity continues to create more opportunities for OLM to keep our family connected and bring people to Jesus, form them as disciples and send them on mission. \_For those at the livestream; make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer https://bit.ly/2JornB8 \_Livestreaming from the following, please share; this is a wonderful opportunity to share our faith with one another and family and friends from afar. https://olmercy.com/ / olmercy / ourladyofmercyaurora \_Find community in the following Grow Groups https://olmercy.com/vineandbranches/ https://olmercy.com/consumingfire/ \_Spend your fall days at Our Lady of Mercy https://bit.ly/HangingOutatOLM