Happy 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Happy 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Today’s Announcements: 1. Thank you for your generous sharing of self! dwy.io/HolyFamily 2. Our Parish Calendar Monday, November 18, 6:30 PM – Spread the word & invite young adults to join Fr. Brett through Google Meet (wkfhtupcdg) for “Spiritual Brew”! Wednesdays, 6-9 PM – Bible study, rosary & theological institute! November 24 – Happy Solemnity of Christ the King—the patron of our mother parish! We’ll celebrate Deacon Elsa’s birthday & our annual Thanksgiving brunch! 3. Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it! Read Extraordinary Catholics online: extraordinarycatholics.faith/magazine 4. Spread the word: We’re sharing FREE copies of our new book, Our Holy Family, during all masses in November! 5. Happy birthday, Father Roy!