Resident Evil 4 (2023) - Full Walkthrough 3/3 (The Island) PC

Resident Evil 4 (2023) - Full Walkthrough 3/3 (The Island) PC

Hello everyone here is the third and final part of my Resident Evil 4 remake walkthrough. Definitely one of the best remakes I've played. I hope to upload more walkthroughs soon! P.S. The first 5 minutes of Chapter 14 is taken from a video by SourceSpy91, since I lost my take of Chapter 14 and had to improvise a way to still include it. Please check out the original video I got it from:    • Resident Evil 4 Remake | Chapter 14: ...   The Island: 00:00:00 - Chapter 13 Introduction 00:01:45 - Island Path 00:06:56 - Wharf fight 00:11:59 - Island Path #2 00:20:27 - Surveillance Room 00:23:11 - Facility 1 Storage 00:25:52 - Utilities 00:28:34 - Oven Man jumpscare 00:30:03 - Laboratory 00:30:54 - Dissection 00:34:24 - First 'Regenerador' encounter 00:35:31 - Freezer 00:37:34 - Systems Room 00:39:42 - Incubation Lab 00:43:58 - Dissection (Second visit) 00:49:13 - Leon & Ashley reunite (again) cutscene 00:50:31 - Chapter 14 Introduction \ Ada Comm #3 (Footage by SourceSpy91) 00:54:44 - Merchant Request #16 (Destroy the Blue Medallions 5) 00:57:39 - Cargo Depot 01:02:12 - Facility 2 01:07:05 - First 'Iron Maiden' encounter 01:08:34 - Waste Disposal 01:08:39 - Merchant Request #17 (Even More Pest Control) 01:08:51 - Waste Disposal (cont.) 01:16:03 - Cargo Depot (Second visit) 01:17:32 - Cargo Depot Wrecking Ball fight 01:22:35 - Merchant Request #18 (The Wandering Dead) 01:24:41 - 'Regenerador (Strong Threat)' Boss fight 01:27:01 - Lift 01:28:09 - Amber Storeroom 01:29:08 - Osmund Saddler cutscene 01:31:40 - Amber Storeroom (cont.) 01:33:07 - Campsite 01:41:28 - 'Jack Krauser' Boss fight (Second encounter) 01:56:48 - Chapter 15 Introduction 01:59:40 - Stronghold fight 02:08:14 - Bulwark Gate fight 02:11:35 - Mike's death cutscene 02:12:38 - Cliffside Ruins 02:13:24 - Merchant Request #19 (Destroy the Blue Medallions 6) 02:17:34 - Specimen Storage 02:26:21 - Sanctuary Approach 02:32:49 - Sanctuary 02:33:27 - Osmund Saddler cutscene #2 02:35:18 - Leon heads for Luis's Lab 02:37:52 - Leon cures Ashley cutscene 02:39:27 - Chapter 16 Introduction 02:40:35 - Luis's Laboratory 02:46:17 - Sanctuary (Second visit) 02:50:17 - Loading Docks 02:52:37 - 'Osmund Saddler' Boss fight 03:03:52 - Escape from the island 03:05:12 - Water Scooter segment 03:06:47 - Ending cutscene 03:08:31 - Credits (Sorrow) 03:10:43 - Post-credits scene (Albert Wesker \ RE 5 teaser)