Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name (Matthew 6:9-13) | Sunday Service - March 9, 2025
If you take a look at the Lord’s Prayer, there are two clear halves. The first half focuses on God, on His holiness, on HIs sovereignty. But the second half focuses on our need and our utter dependence on God. This order is significant. When you pray to God, do you just go into prayer listing off all of your needs and wants. Or do you begin with worship and adoration, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness? When you first come to God in prayer by prioritizing who God is, it gives us the right perspective when we pray about our needs. Because when we pray for our daily needs, for forgiveness, and for pursuing righteousness, we will see God as our provider and we will trust in Him. We will ask for forgiveness knowing we are already reconciled in Christ. And we will pursue righteousness knowing God is with us always even in the darkest valleys. It will change the way we pray and change our hearts as we pray.