Git and GitHub Hands-On Training for Beginners | Raghav Pal

Git and GitHub Hands-On Training for Beginners | Raghav Pal

FREE Tutorials- QUIZ - 00:00 Introduction & Agenda 00:42 How to install Git 05:01 Setup GitHub repository 06:41 Adding project/files to git for tracking 07:45 Git commands 12:56 Pushing project to remote repository(github) 15:57 Git branching & merging 23:23 Git Tags 30:47 How to create git access token #GitBeginnerTutorials #GitHubBeginnerTutorial Git Setup on Local System: Step 1 : check if git is already installed git --version Step 2 : download Git installer from Step 3 : Run installer and install git Step 4 : Check if git is installed git --version Create GitHub Account: Step 1 : Goto and sign up Step 2 : Login to GitHub Step 3 : Create a new Repository Git Commands Step 1 : Create a new folder and open Git Bash/CMD and goto the folder location Step 2 : Run Commands git config --global "[email protected]" git config --global "yourGitHubusername" Step 3 : Initialize Git git init Step 4 : Add some files in the folder Step 5 : Run commands git status git add git commit -m “…..” Step 6 : Add the remote repo url git remote add origin url_of_hithub_repo Step 7 : Push the changes to repository git push -u origin master Step 8 : Check output of following commands git log git --help Git Branches: 1. What are branches 2. How to create branch 3. How to checkout branch 4. How to merge branch to master 5. How to delete branch (local and remote) Step 1 : Create branch git branch “branch name” Step 2 : Checkout branch git checkout “branch name” Step 3 : Make some changes in your project Do add, commit, push git push -u origin newbranch Check the branch is visible on GitHub repository Step 4 : On local checkout master branch - git checkout master Step 5 : Merge new branch in master branch git merge “branch name” Step 6 : Push the changes - git push -u origin master Step 7 : Delete branch git branch -d “branch name” // will delete from local git push origin --delete “branch name” // will delete from remote Git Tags: 1. What are tags / releases 2. Why should i create TAGs 3. When to create TAGs 4. How to create TAGs in git create | show | publish | delete Step 1: Checkout the branch where you want to create the tag git checkout "branch name" example : git checkout master Step 2: Create tag with some name git tag "tag name" example : git tag v1.0 Step 3: Display or Show tags git tag git show v1.0 git tag -l “v1.*” Step 4: Push tags to remote git push origin v1.0 Step 5: Delete tags (if required only) to delete tags from local : git tag -d v1.0 git tag --delete v1.0 to delete tags from remote :git push origin -d v1.0 git push origin --delete v1.0 git push origin :v1.0 to delete multiple tags at once: git tag -d v1.0 v1.1 (local) git push origin -d v1.0 v1.1 (remote) Checking out TAGS We cannot checkout tags in git We can create a branch from a tag and checkout the branch git checkout -b "branch name" "tag name" example : git checkout -b ReleaseVer1 v1.0 Creating TAGS from past commits git tag "tag name" "reference of commit" example : git tag v1.2 5fcdb03 To generate Access Token 1. Login to your GitHub account 2. Verify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet. 3. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. 4. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings. 5. In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens. 6. Click Generate new token. 7. Give your token a descriptive name. 8. To give your token an expiration, select the Expiration drop-down menu, then click a default or use the calendar picker 9. Select the scopes or permissions, you'd like to grant this token. To use your token to access repositories from the command line, select repo. 10. Click Generate token Never Stop Learning Raghav