Hillsong UNITED +  Chris Tomlin (April 11, 2022)

Hillsong UNITED + Chris Tomlin (April 11, 2022)

On April 11, 2022 went to the concert of Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin, and also another guest came. I apologize this isn’t in order of performance or even the full set, just the videos I managed to record. Seats in the pit. Nothing comes close to The Aftermath: Live in Miami video. 0:00 intro and pictures 0:21 shine the light 0:41 countdown 1:35 Chris Tomlin 2:00 Our God 3:21 Indescribable 4:38 Introducing the Band 6:04 Build My Life 7:30 Pat Barrett speaking 8:05 Chris Tomlin speaking 8:38 Good Good Father 10:12 Hillsong UNITED 10:47 Good Grace 15:33 Your Love is Relentless 16:54 Another in the Fire 17:09 Know You Will 18:07 Another in the Fire 20:47 So Will I (100 Billion X) 24:19 transition to With Everything 25:15 lift your voice! 26:47 With Everything 29:03 The Stand 30:51 From The Inside Out