Ep 16 - Moroni 10 - Moroni's Promise and Wrapping Up the Year

Ep 16 - Moroni 10 - Moroni's Promise and Wrapping Up the Year

Join Mark Mason and Will Perez as they discuss teaching Moroni 10 in The Book of Mormon with an emphasis on the principles of C.A.R.E. - Center on Christ, Amplify Prophetic Voices, Remain Relevant, and Expect Miracles! Chapters: 0:00-1:00 - Introduction 1:01-5:01 - Moroni 10:1-7 5:02-11:30 - Doctrinal Mastery - Moroni 10:4-5 11:31-16:37 - Moroni 10:8-25 Elder Bednar's 8 Principles about Spiritual Gifts - https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/6/... 16-38-22:11 - Doctrinal Mastery: Moroni 10:26-34 Elder Bednar, October General Conference: “In the space of not many years...” (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s...) Elder Matthias Held, General Conference: Reflection on Lehi's teachings (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s...) Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference: Personal discipleship journey (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s...) Video featuring Christlike attributes -    • Christlike Attributes   22:12-27:04 Assess Your Learning and Wrap-up #lds #ldsseminary #bookofmormon #comefollowme2024