How To Create A Snapshot Photo Freeze Frame Effect In Video [ Premiere Pro Tutorial ] Sajib SD

How To Create A Snapshot Photo Freeze Frame Effect In Video [ Premiere Pro Tutorial ] Sajib SD

When we talk about the Freeze Frame effect we mean generating a screenshot somewhere in between a floating video clip. This is a unique technique in the world of videography that simply causes repetition of a single frame on screen over a desired duration. Adobe Premiere Pro provides several ways to freeze a frame in video. but in this case I will be showing you how to use the insert frame option to create the desired effect. simply select and use the Freeze Frame effect on your desired scene. With this effect you can easily grab a few stills from a large video and develop a new interesting story. First of all you have to move your playhead to the desired frame that you wish to capture from your video. Now right click on your selected clip and from the drop down menu select “Insert Frame Hold Segment” option. This will clip your frame into three segments right from the position where you placed your playhead and it will automatically insert a two second freeze frame at that location in between the splited video clips. if you want to increase or decrease the duration of the freezed frame you can drag the edge of the frame to adjust it's duration to your need. Now Duplicate the freezed section with one going to thee top layer and disable the top layer so you can see the Effects you are about to apply on the bottom layer. Go to the effects tab and search for the gaussian blur effect and apply this effect to the bottom freeze layer. Now go to the effects control tab and apply blurriness and repeat edge pixels to remove the side edge. Now go to the effects tab and search for black &white effect and apply this effect to the bottom freeze layer. Now go to the lumetri color tab add some vignette to it. next enable the top layer. now select the top layer, go to the effects control tab and reduce the scale to 60% and rotation to -7 at it's first frame. Then go to the project window and create a new color matte, set it's color to white. Now move the top freeze frame layer to a higher track and place the color matte between both freezed frame layers and adjust the color matte duration to match the freeze frame layer. now copy the attributes of the top layer and paste it on the color matte. this should apply the rotation and scale values of the top layer to the color matte. Now move to the effects control tab and set the scale to 65 and disable uniform scale, so you can set it's width to 63. Now add your camera frame to the top of your timeline and adjust it's duration to match the freeze frame layer, you can Download this camera frame in the description section. Now select the top freeze frame layer, copy it and paste it's attributes on the camera frame layer. Then select the top freeze frame layer, the color matte and the camera frame layer and nest them. then select the nested clips. go to the effects control tab and mark keyframes on the scale and rotation. and move the keyframes to the First frame. now set the scale size to 110 and rotation to 4. and move the new keyframes to the last frame. to make the animation smooth, make them ease in and ease out. now to apply the flash effect, go to the effects tab and search for the dip to white video transition and apply this effect between the first video clip and the bottom freeze frame layer. decrease the duration. next drag in your camera shutter sound into your timeline where you have your dip to white effect.