Beat Saber - [Chroma+] GEMN - Fatal (TV Size) (Oshi No Ko Season 2 OP) - Expert+ - 90%

Beat Saber - [Chroma+] GEMN - Fatal (TV Size) (Oshi No Ko Season 2 OP) - Expert+ - 90%

Song can be found here: As of writing this, it's my 2nd highest ranked song! I liked this one a lot, there were a few tricky spots (mostly just at 0:59, I needed to slow that all the way down to figure out the weird crossover) I needed to drill as usual but for the most part it wasn't too bad. Also it was reasonably short so pretty easy to get reps in on. I might try to revisit it in the future to get it up to ~92/93% or so but for now I'm pretty happy with where it's at.