Lighting the 5th Advent candle
The 5th candle, the Christ candle is lit. https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/pa...
Lighting the 5th Advent candle
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve at Sterling Wood
ADVENT 5th Candle Christ's Candle #jesus #advent #christ
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve at Sterling Wood
Final Advent Candle Lighting
Merry Christmas Eve. Today we light the 5th candle of Advent the Christ Candle
Christmas Eve Advent Candle Lighting
Lighting the White 5th Candle of the Advent
the fifth Candle of Advent is Light
2022 Upper Room Christmas Day Highlights
Lighting the 5th Candle | Advent 2022
Advent Mass: 5th & 6th Grade Choir
Advent wreath & candles (Jn 1,4-5).
Light a Candle - 5th Grade
Light the Advent Candle Sing Along
Christmas Eve Carol Sing Service - Friday December 24, 2021
CoffeeTalk 017: LIGHT // Christmas Eve Advent
Advent Wreath Prayer Fifth Week Christmas Eve - The Christ Candle
Joseph an ordinary man - 5th candle of light