LOGO के अंदर छिपे SECRETS | FAMOUS LOGOS WITH A HIDDEN MEANING  (That We Never Even Noticed) | 2021

LOGO के अंदर छिपे SECRETS | FAMOUS LOGOS WITH A HIDDEN MEANING (That We Never Even Noticed) | 2021

LOGO के अंदर छिपे SECRETS | FAMOUS LOGOS WITH A HIDDEN MEANING (That We Never Even Noticed) Hay guys in this video i talk about some of the unique and popular logo designs that have secrets hidden in it.in this video i talk about popular comnpanies like tesla,oyo,ipl,spartan golf club,Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. How to design a successful logo? How to build a famous brand for your business? Some of the most well-known logos in the world were purposefully designed to indicate something much more than simple beauty. In fact, it seems that in some cases, every line, curve, and color has meaning behind it. Adidas, Apple, BMW, Coca-Cola, Toyota… We see these famous brands everywhere but never consider what their logos exactly mean. Curious to know the secret? Watch the 16 famous logos with a hidden meaning you've never noticed. #logomeaning #logosecret #llogo_secret_hindi #logo #tesla