6 MINS AGO! Jim Rickards Shared Horrible News

6 MINS AGO! Jim Rickards Shared Horrible News

Jim Rickards said the Economy is in a Recession even though the Stock Market is not collapsed yet. this Recession and Inflation situation is similar to what we have in the 1970s. every prices rise including energy (oil and gas) food, rent, etc. Jim Rickards warns that it's about to get a lot worse. Jim Rickards is an economist, lawyer, and investment banker with 40 years of experience in the capital markets on Wall Street. He is also a NY Times bestselling author and has written various book on topics like currencies, supply chains, surging inflation, monetary system, financial crisis, and precious metals. Rickard has advised various clients including government directorates and institutional investors. Thanks for Watching Finance Frontier , share this video to your friends if you find it helpful. Subscribe to our channel for daily videos on Investing, Economy, Finance, Stock Market, Building Business, and more. #gold #economy #jimrickards #inflation #silverpricepredictions #financialeducation #silvernewstoday #silverpriceforecast #inflationhedge #stockmarket