[마음의 작동 원리와 진화심리학] #10. 진화에 대한 오해: 지능은 진화의 숭고한 야망이다(?)

[마음의 작동 원리와 진화심리학] #10. 진화에 대한 오해: 지능은 진화의 숭고한 야망이다(?)

참고문헌: Gould, S J (1989) Wonderful life: The Burgess Shale and the nature of history New York: Norton Gould, S J (1996) Full house: The spread of excellence from Plato to Darwin New York: Harmony Books Maynard Smith, J (1984) "Optimization theory in evolution”, In Sober, E (Ed ) Conceptual issues in evolutionary biology (pp 289-315) Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press Pinker, S (1997) How the mind works New York: Norton Sullivan, W (1993) We are not alone: The continuing search for extraterrestrial intelligence Revised edition New York: Penguin Sources of Figure, Photo & Chart: 1 BY: Cliply (CC-BY) 2 BY: Sachin GHATMALE (CC-BY) 3 BY: Amalex5 (CC-BY-SA) 4 5 BY: Stand Up for Nature (CC-BY) 6 7 BY: Pressmaster (CC-BY) 8 BY:  (CC-BY) 썸네일: BY: Gerhard G (CC-BY) #진화론 #지능 #진화론에대한오해