Siloam Baptist Church, Killay, Sunday 29th September 2024 AM, Stewart McGlashan

Siloam Baptist Church, Killay, Sunday 29th September 2024 AM, Stewart McGlashan

Siloam Baptist Church's Service for Sunday Morning 29th September 2024. Welcome to our Sunday Morning Service for Sunday 29th September, taken by Stewart McGlashan. This Sunday, Stewart asks questions concerning our purpose, aim in life; more specifically, concerning God’s purpose and aim for us. Starting with a reminder from the almost 400 years old “The Westminster Shorter Catechism” of the declaration, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever”, Stewart leads us through the Scriptures to remind us that: 1. Genesis 1:26 – the image and likeness of God in us, was lost at the Fall. 2. John 3:7 – the recovery is grounded upon the fact that we “must be born again”. 3. Luke 9:23 – yet such a beginning also requires an appropriate daily walk. 4. Galatians 2:20 – yet it does not depend on our own resources but upon God. “God isn’t asking you to try harder; God is asking you to trust Him more.”