08-14-2022 Community Worship: The Spirituality of "I Don't Know"

08-14-2022 Community Worship: The Spirituality of "I Don't Know"

Service led by Rev. Tim Temerson & Debby Norton (Worship Weaver) As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm mystery and wonder as important sources of truth and meaning. Today we will explore the importance of uncertainty in Unitarian Universalism and ask if one can be “spiritual” or “religious” while, at the same time, saying “I don’t know” when it comes to the nature of ultimate reality. Link to view on website: https://uucharlottesville.org/sermons... Link to stream Sunday 11:00 AM Services: https://zoom.us/j/95025058534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER OF SERVICE “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious” – Albert Einstein Prelude: Offered by Scott Devaux​ Welcome: Worship Weaver Debby Norton, Board Member Hayley Owens Call to Worship: Words by William Murry Opening Hymn: “Enter, Rejoice, and Come In” #361 Singing the Living Tradition Offered by UU Church of Baltimore Chalice Lighting ​ ​ Reading: “A Religion of Mystery” Albert Einstein Hymn: “For the Earth Forever Turning” #163 Singing the Living Tradition Offered by Kenny, Hemingway & Menefee Centering and Sharing ​​​ Meditation Offertory: Offered by Scott Devaux Reading: “What is There Beyond Knowing” Mary Oliver Sermon: “The Spirituality of I Don’t Know” Rev. Tim Temerson Closing Hymn: #1064 “Blue Boat Home” by Peter Mayer Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing​​​​ Postlude: Offered by Scott Devaux​​​​​​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find us online: Website: https://uucharlottesville.org Facebook: UUCCharlottesville Instagram: uucharlottesville Twitter: uucville