Best MCQ Class 6 Method of Separation in everyday life || Class 6 Chapter 9 Science // Class 6 NCERT

Best MCQ Class 6 Method of Separation in everyday life || Class 6 Chapter 9 Science // Class 6 NCERT

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE FOR YOUR EXAMS. PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL FOR MORE VIDEOS. IF YOU WANT PDF YOU CAN WATSAPP US ON 6392017039. . Best MCQ Class 6 Method of Separation in everyday life || Class 6 Chapter 9 Science // Class 6 NCERT FOR MORE VIDEOS, FOLLOW THE PLAYLIST BELOW PLAYLIST OF CLASS 6 SCIENCE    • Best MCQ Class 6 Food Where Does It C...   PLAYLIST OF CLASS 6 MATHS    • Best MCQ Class 6 Whole Numbers, Knowi...   PLAYLIST OF CLASS 6 SOCIAL SCIENCE    • Class 6 Earth In the Solar System MCQ...   cbse,class 6 separation of substances,class 6 separation of substances mcq,class 6 separation of substances science,education,mcq,mcq class 6,mcq ncert,mcq ncert class 6 science,mcq ncert science,mcq science,mcq separation of substance class 6,ncert,science,separation of substance class 6 mcq,separation of substance mcq class 6,separation of substances class 6 mcq,sst,mcq method of separation in everyday life,mcq class 6 method of sepaprtion in everyday life Important MCQs for exams and test for students of class 6.. #class6mcq #class6science #shashank_shekhar #raj_shekhar mcq ncert science sst 0:00 Introduction 1:34 Which process is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air? 2:12 Which process allows the fine flour particles to pass through the holes of the sieve while the bigger impurities remain on the sieve? 3:15 Which process is used when components of a mixture have different sizes? 7:53 Difference in the size of particles in a mixture is utilised to separate them by the 9:26 Paheli bought some vegetables such as french beans, lady's finger, green chillies, brinjals and potatoes all mixed in a bag. Which of the following methods of separation would be most appropriate for her to separate them? 10:51 Which of the following mixtures would you be able to separate using the method of filtration? 11:55 Which amongst the following methods would be most appropriate to separate grains from bundles of stalks? 13:21 While preparing chapatis, Paheli found that the flour to be used was mixed with wheat grains. Which out of the following is the most suitable method to separate the grains from the flour? 13:59 You might have observed the preparation of ghee from butter and cream at home. Which method(s) can be used to separate ghee from the residue? (i) Evaporation 18:37 Statement 1- The process that is used to separate grain from stalks etc is threshing. Statement 2- In this process, the stalks are beaten to free the grain seeds