Exercise During Period Reduces Pain & Depression: Here's Why
💪Learn how 10X works by watching this FREE, 90-minute masterclass:👉 https://start.mindvalley.com/vSSZU-uZ In this Snippet from the Quest 10x Fitness, our female fitness expert answers a common question that women have when it comes to working out during their period. While it might seem counterintuitive to exercise during this time due to cramps, headaches, and bloating, it's actually very beneficial. There's no scientific reason to skip workouts during your period, and in fact, exercising can alleviate many of the symptoms that come with your cycle. Apart from that, higher-intensity workouts can lead to more endorphins and improved mood, but you should listen to their bodies and engage in whatever exercise feels right for them. About 10x Fitness: Many typical approaches to fitness force you to spend too much time on ineffective exercises. And for minimal results. With 10x, you’re freed from this trap. Because the protocol is designed to activate a key evolutionary mechanism in your body, known as the adaptive response, that commands your body to get stronger, fitter, faster, and more resilient, in a surprisingly short space of time. The adaptive response phenomenon can be traced back to our prehistoric ancestors, who in trying to escape predators would scramble up trees, leap over chasms, and swim to safety in order to survive. Their bodies were forced to quickly adapt, or pay the ultimate price. In the modern world, this same survival mechanism can be triggered safely and efficiently through exercise - provided it’s the right kind of exercise, with the right level of intensity, resistance, and tension on your muscle fibers. 10x activates and optimizes your adaptive response mechanism in just two 15-minute workouts a week: making it possibly the most efficient exercise protocol on the planet. Plus, you’re also supported with science-based nutrition, rest, and lifestyle guidelines designed to improve your results. 10x is ideal and safe for all ages, lifestyles, genders, and fitness levels. And while we recommend having access to a gym, you can even do it at home with minimal equipment. If you liked this snippet from the 10x Fitness quest, then join the program to permanently transform your body in just two 15-minute workouts a week 👉 https://go.mindvalley.com/qiuOjXQK