बच्चों में डेंगू के लक्षणों को कैसे जाने? | #tv9d
डेंगू के cases दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ते जा रहे है जिस वजहें से लोगो को बहुत परेशानियां हो रही है हम सभी जानते है कि डेंगू एक खतरनाक बुखार है. जिसकी चपेट में आने से प्लेटलेट्स का लेवल तेजी से गिरता है और करीब-करीब हर जगह अस्पताल में डेंगू मरीजों की लाइन लगी है. डेंगू से बचाव को लेकर तमाम राज्य सरकारें भी कई जरुरी कदम उठा रही हैं. इसी बीच सबसे ज्यादा खतरनाक बात यह है कि डेंगू का infection बच्चों को भी अपना शिकार बना रहा है. यह पैरेंट्स और सरकार के लिए परेशानी और चिंताजनक बात है Dengue cases are increasing day by day due to which people are facing a lot of problems. We all know that dengue is a dangerous fever. Due to which the level of platelets falls rapidly and there are queues of dengue patients in hospitals almost everywhere. Many state governments are also taking many important steps to prevent dengue. Meanwhile, the most dangerous thing is that dengue infection is making children also its victims. This is a troublesome and worrying matter for parents and the government. | #dengue | #delhi | #hospital | #platelets | #fever | #children | #health | #baatsehatki | #health9 For Latest news visit | https://www.tv9hindi.com/ Subscribe to TV9 Bharatvarsh https://goo.gl/udchcy Follow TV9 Bharatvarsh on Facebook | / tv9bharatvarsh Follow TV9 Bharatvarsh on Twitter | / tv9bharatvarsh Watch more TV9 Bharatvarsh Videos | https://www.tv9hindi.com/videos Know All About Political News | https://www.tv9hindi.com/india Know All About Trending News| https://www.tv9hindi.com/trending Know All about Business news | https://www.tv9hindi.com/business Know All about Latest Bollywood News| https://www.tv9hindi.com/entertainment #TV9Bharatvarsh #HindiNewsLive Join us for the latest updates on TV9 Bharatvarsh Live. Stay informed and engaged with our in-depth reporting, exclusive interviews, and real-time updates. Don't miss out on the most crucial news stories from India and around the world. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated with all the breaking news, Hindi News, live hindi news, hindi news live, live news in hindi, hindi latest news, livetv, live tv , tv9 live, hindi news, russia ukraine war live , war update,World News, Sports News, Entertainment News and live updates.