MAVIC AIR - PHILIPPINES diving trip (매빅에어와 필리핀 다이빙 여행)
This is my first trip with Mavic Air Sabang beach in Puerto Galera in the Philippines is about 2~3 hours away (bus and ferry ride) from Manila airport All the diving spots are about 15 minutes away from Sabang beach, making it a good destinations for a short weekend away The turquoise blue water was taken from Verde Island which is about 30 minutes away from Sabang beach Flying Mavic Air here was not the best as there were few transmission towers which interfered with the wifi signal for drone I could only fly 300m before signal getting cut In Verde island, there wasn't transmission issue but I had strong wind issue So, the drone clips are not stellar but it should get better as I travel more! Drone footages are features at the start and end of the video Other than Quick shots and slow motion, all drone footages are in 4K!!! 매빅에어와 첫 여행을 다녀왔습니다 사방비치라고 다이빙하기 편리한 곳입니다 마닐라 공항과 3시간 거리라서 가기도 편하구요 매빅에어를 날리기에는 바람도 조금 많았고, 송신 타워들이 곳곳에 있어서 사방비치에서는 300미터 정도에서 드론 시그널이 끊겼습니다 그래서 생각만큼 좋은 영상을 촬영하기는 힘들었어요 더 다양한 곳을 여행하다보면 더 좋은 영상을 담을 수 있을 것 같습니다 다이빙 영상은 중간에만 있으니 마지막 매빅에어 영상도 봐주세요 스로우모션, 큇샷 외에는는 다 4k 화질입니다^^ MAVIC AIR (affiliate link) - Music thanks to: "Sommar" Ehrling: