CHURCHY WORDS | 08 Nov 2020, 10:30 ET || #rockspringchurchtv
SERIES TITLE: CHURCHY WORDS Rock Spring Church Online Broadcast of 10:30 am, Sunday Service, November 8th, 2020 Pastor Mike Lowrey Watch online Facebook: / live Rock Spring website: https://www.rockspring.net/watch/ YouTube channel: / @rockspringchurchtv Quick Videos: / @rsc_tv LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and share these links with your friends! This service: • CHURCHY WORDS | 08 Nov 2020, 10:30 ET... Prayer Requests/contact us : https://www.rockspring.net/contact-us/ ——————— CONNECTED ——————— Hebrews 10:25 (NLT) – And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Let’s face it – committing to regular church attendance was a challenge prior to the pandemic. If you think church leaders, paid or unpaid, wake up every Sunday morning completely looking forward to church, think again. Not every aspect of “getting together” is pleasurable. Staying connected to family be it biological or spiritual must be intentional. According to God’s Word, staying connected through regular meetings, caring, and encouraging one another is a command, not an option. Church leaders must make opportunities for everyone to connect. Right now, that’s harder than ever, but it’s not just up to those in leadership. Everyone who is a part of God’s family is responsible for connecting and making connection possible. Here’s what we are doing at Rock Spring. We’ve been working hard over the past six months to improve our online services. Our goal is to finish that by the first of December. We are very excited because we will be adding a platform on our website that will allow our online services to become interactive. Viewers will be able to ask questions, share comments, request or even receive prayer as well as make spiritual decisions while the live service is happening. Likewise, you will be able to amen, share encouraging words, and support those working to make the service happen. Additionally there will be opportunities to serve virtually as volunteers who can pray with and communicate with viewers in real time. Another opportunity we are promoting is using the YouVersion app for devotions – not just for yourself, but by developing a friends list and inviting others to do the devotions with you. We are continuing to look for ways to provide opportunities for kids and teens to connect virtually. We are committed to doing everything we can to stay connected as believers, but it is up to each and every one of us to respond to God’s call to remain connected. According to God’s Word, we’re better together. Protocols are in place to make our in person services as safe as possible. For those of you that are ready to venture out – we’d love to see you! However, for those that are not ready or are high risk; connect with us through our virtual services. Either way – we’ll see you Sunday! Pastor Mike #heaven #rockspringchurchtv #rsctv #churchonline Follow Rock Spring Church on Facebook: / rockspringchurch ____________________ TWEETS: Follow Pastor Mike Lowrey and Pastor Ben Williams on Twitter @RSCTVpastor / rsctvpastor Also Instagram and Tumblr and Facebook: RSCTVpastor ____________________ YouTube channels: Rock Spring Church TV: / @rockspringchurchtv RSCTV: / @rsc_tv Watch on our website: https://www.rockspring.net/watch/ Donate to support RSC TV and Rock Spring Church: https://secure.sharefaithgiving.com/g... #rockspringchurch #rockspringchurchtv