웜홀(wormhole) 시간여행, 블랙홀 화이트홀
웜홀은 분리된 두 장소 사이의 통로 또는 다리 입니다 A wormhole is a passage or bridge between two separate places 웜홀은 벌레가 사과 바깥쪽을 기어다니는 것을 보고 지어졌습니다 벌레가 사과의 한 쪽에서 바깥쪽의 다른 쪽으로 이동하는 데는 오랜 시간이 걸리지만, 구멍을 뚤면 빨리 도착할 수 있습니다 Wormhole is named after seeing worm crawling on the outside of apple It takes a long time for the worm to travel from one side of the apple to the other outside, but it can get there quickly by puncturing it 웜홀은 이론적으로 수백만 광년 거리를 바로 여행할 수 있습니다 한 은하에서 다른 은하로 수백만 년 동안 이동하는 대신 적절한 조건에서 웜홀로 이동 시간을 몇 시간 또는 몇 분으로 줄일 수 있습니다 Wormholes can theoretically travel millions of light-years directly Instead of traveling for millions of years from one galaxy to another, under the right conditions, travel time to a wormhole can be reduced to hours or even minutes 웜홀은 시공간을 통한 지름길이기 때문에 타임머신 처럼 작동할 수도 있습니다 웜홀의 한쪽 끝에서 다른 쪽 끝으로 들어간 시간보다 더 이른 시간에 나올 수 있습니다 Because wormholes is shortcut through space-time, they can also act like time machines You can come out of one end of the wormhole earlier than you entered the other 이러한 흥미로운 특징 때문에 많은 SF 작가들이 소설과 영화에서 웜홀을 소재로 씁니다 Because of these intriguing features, many science fiction writers use wormholes in their novels and films Albert Einstein은 중력과 빛의 속도에 관한 상대성 이론을 발표 했습니다 그는 복잡하지만 시간과 공간이 연결되어 있음을 알아냈고, 시공간이 구부러질 수 있다고 생각 했습니다 구부러지면 서로 멀리 떨어져 있는 부분이 갑자기 가까워 집니다 Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity about gravity and the speed of light He figured out that time and space are connected, albeit intricately, and that space-time can be bent When bent, parts that are far from each other suddenly become close 1910년, 과학자들이 블랙홀이 존재한다고 처음 주장 했을 때 받아들여지지 않았습니다 In 1910, when scientists first claimed that black holes existed, it was not accepted 그후 1년 뒤, 독일 과학자 칼 슈바르츠실트는 블랙홀 존재를 수학적으로 증명 했습니다 그러나 이 설명은 너무 특이해서 블랙홀이 실제로 존재할 수 있다는 것을 거부했습니다 A year later, German scientist Carl Schwarzschild mathematically proved the existence of black holes However, this explanation was so unusual that it denied that black holes could actually exist 블랙홀을 받아들이기 시작하는 데 50년이 걸렸습니다 블랙홀 이라는 용어는 1967년이 되어서야 만들어졌습니다 It takes 50 years to start accepting black holes The word 'black hole' has used since 1967 웜홀도 마찬가지입니다 웜홀의 실체를 증명하는데 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다 그러나 웜홀이 발갼 된다면 우주에서 수백만 광년 떨어진 지점을 연결하는 다리가 될 것 입니다 The same goes for wormholes Proving the existence of wormholes may take time However, if wormholes are discovered, they will become bridges connecting points millions of light years away in space A wormhole is a passage or bridge between two separate places Wormhole is named after seeing worm crawling on the outside of apple It takes a long time for the worm to travel from one side of the apple to the other outside, but it can get there quickly by puncturing it Wormholes can theoretically travel millions of light-years directly Instead of traveling for millions of years from one galaxy to another, under the right conditions, travel time to a wormhole can be reduced to hours or even minutes Because wormholes is shortcut through space-time, they can also act like time machines You can come out of one end of the wormhole earlier than you entered the other Because of these intriguing features, many science fiction writers use wormholes in their novels and films Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity about gravity and the speed of light He figured out that time and space are connected, albeit intricately, and that space-time can be bent When bent, parts that are far from each other suddenly become close In 1910, when scientists first claimed that black holes existed, it was not accepted A year later, German scientist Carl Schwarzschild mathematically proved the existence of black holes However, this explanation was so unusual that it denied that black holes could actually exist It takes 50 years to start accepting black holes The word 'black hole' has used since 1967 The same goes for wormholes Proving the existence of wormholes may take time However, if wormholes are discovered, they will become bridges connecting points millions of light years away in space