Ebenezer CHRISTmas Eve Program 12/24/2021

Ebenezer CHRISTmas Eve Program 12/24/2021

Quick reference: 00:10 mark - Welcome (Mark Stueve), 02:50 mark - Primary Class (Let the Christmas Bells Ring & Jingle for Jesus), 06:10 mark - Advent Wreath (Jim Schwindt Family), 08:40 mark - Damon Redeker (One Wish for Christmas), 09:40 mark - Chance Redeker (Is There Room?), 15:05 mark - Junior Class (The Greatest Gift & The Angel Band), 20:00 mark - Blake Redeker (A Cowboy’s Christmas), 21:30 mark - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Ebenezer Choir). 23:45 mark - Jr. High Class (What Child is This?), 27:55 mark - HIgh School Class (I Saw Three Ships), 31:05 mark - Darren Heins (A Christmas Message), 31:40 mark - Nativity, 41:45 mark - Pastor John Bright (Christmas Blessing) Ebenezer CHRISTmas Eve Program 12/24/2021 Welcome to our Annual CHRISTmas Eve program. When this building was built in 1907 following the fire that destroyed the original building, the Christmas service was the first service held in the new building. Tonight brings to a close the season of advent. The season of Advent, which comes from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming" or "visit," begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the church year for Christians. During Advent, we prepare for and anticipate the coming of Christ. We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for and need of forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward, anticipating the second coming of Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming. Although we are accustomed to celebrating Christmas on a single day, in both Christian tradition and on the church calendar, the Christmas season lasts from sundown on Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) through Epiphany of the Lord (Jan. 6). This is sometimes referred to as "the 12 days of Christmas." We are happy to have you as part of our family today and hope that you enjoy our service. Order of the Program Welcome - Mark Stueve Joy to the World (WHM 135; UMH 246) Let the Christmas Bells Ring - Primary Class Jingle for Jesus Advent Wreath - Jim Schwindt Family Gathering Hymn – All Creatures of Our God and King (WHM 61) One Wish for Christmas - Damon Redeker Special - Matile Family Is There Room? - Chance Redeker Make Room by Casting Crowns (featuring Matt Maher) The Greatest Gift - Junior Class The Angel Band A Cowboy’s Christmas - Blake Redeker I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day - Choir What Child is This? - Jr. High Class What Child is This? (WHM 140; UMH 219 I Saw Three Ships - HIgh School Class Angels We Have Heard on HIgh (WHM 132; UMH 238 - vs 1 & 3) THE CHRISTMAS STORY A Christmas Message - Darren Heins Nativity - Members of the Church Christmas Blessing - Pastor John Bright Silent Night (Verse 1) Please stay in your seats while treats are distributed. Why Do We Celebrate Christmas? by Joanna Fuchs Why do we celebrate Christmas, A “Mass” for Christ, each year? Why do we shop and give out gifts, Basking in Christmas cheer? Our Joy is based in the Gospel, The amazing “good news of Christ; We’re grateful for what he gave to us And all He sacrificed Priceless gifts He brought, Eternal life, and more, A perfect role model for all of us, He opened heaven’s doors. At Christmas time let’s be Reverent and devout, Celebrating a Christmas real and true: Jesus Christ is what it’s about. CCLI Copyright License: 1536120 CCLI Streaming License: 21076038 CCS PERFORMmusic License: 11695