Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime (Slowed To Perfection)
🌴 @coldplayAdventure Of A Lifetime ↪︎ • Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime (O... 🎧 Genre: #slowed #alternativeindie #alternative #indie #pop 🔊 Follow Me https://www.kwai.com/@matt.nunes X / edenhq X / matheusabruzzi X / matt.nunes X / matt.nunes X / matheuzinhok9 🎶 Slowed: If you find the speed too slow, I recommend setting it to 1.25x speed. ⬇️ Download: To download the song go to the website X https://www.y2meta.com/pt139 put the link and download in the desired format. © Copyright If any artist, producer, creator of the image, art has a problem with the upload please contact my email: ✉ [email protected] ✉ 🚫 The music and the background in the following video are not free to use, if you'd like to use the music in this video, please contact the artist. ⚠️ These videos may cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to convulse in seizures. Viewer discretion is advised. ❤ Did not you like it? In the next I look for Improve! Leave your Constructive Critique in the comments. #slowed #slowedtoperfection #music #song #electronic #deepnote #matheuzinhok9 #edenhq #eden. #eden #tiktok #youtube #facebook #twitter #audiovisualizer #audiospectrum #visualizadordeaudio #audio #falconhq #electroniccity #matheus #bestelectronicmusic #bestslowed #slowedandreverb #slowedereverb #slowedreverb #reverb #thumbnail #fantasy #miniaturadevideo #background #imagemdefundo #slowedtoperfection #song