Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) MCQs part-1 《Pharmacology》

Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) MCQs part-1 《Pharmacology》

Drugs acting on ANS MCQs pharmacology part-1 Autonomic nervous system (A.N.S.) is a peripheral complex of nerves, plexuses and ganglia that are organized to modulate the involuntary activity of the secretory glands, smooth muscles and visceral organs. This system functions to sustain homeostatic conditions during periods of reduced physical and emotional activity, and equally important, to assist in internal bodily reactions to stressful circumstances. Nerves transmit their impulses across most synapses and neuroeffector junctions by means of specific chemicals called as neurohumoural transmitters or simply neurotransmitters. The autonomic drugs exert their actions on smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, glands and visceral organs by mimicking or modifying the action of neurotransmitters released by autonomic fibres either at ganglia or at effector cells. In this video and its affiliated parts in the peripheral nervous system section, multiple-choice questions about drugs acting on autonomic nervous system in terms of uses, common side effects, mechanism of action, drug interactions, contraindications, and many important questions that you may encounter in many exams. MCQs: 1. Which of the following organs is innervated only by parasympathetic nerves: A. Iris muscles B. Ciliary muscle C. Sweat glands D. Splenic capsule 2. Tetrodotoxin blocks nerve impulse/junctional transmission by: A. Anticholinergic action B. Depleting acetylcholine C. Blocking Na+ channels D. Blocking Ca2+ channels 3. Pyridostigmine differs from neostigmine in that: A. It is more potent orally B. It is longer acting C. It produces less muscarinic side effects D. It does not have any direct action on NM 4. Which of the following is a prodrug of adrenaline used topically in glaucoma: A. Brimonidine B. Dipivefrine C. Phenylpropanolamine D. Dorzolamide 5. Select the diuretic that is most effective in acute congestive glaucoma: A. Indapamide B. Amiloride C. Mannitol D. Furosemide 6. Children are more susceptible than adults to the following action of atropine: A. Tachycardia producing B. Cycloplegic C. Gastric antisecretory D. Central excitant and hyperthermic 7. The rate limiting enzyme in the synthesis of catecholamines is: A. Tyrosine hydroxylase B. Dopa decarboxylase C. Dopamine β-hydroxylase D. Noradrenaline N-methyl transferase 8. The β3 adrenoceptor differs from the other subtypes of β receptor in that it: A. Is not blocked by the conventional doses of propranolol B. Is located primarily in the heart C. Regulates blood sugar level D. Is not coupled to G proteins 9. Low doses of adrenaline dilate the following vascular bed: A. Cutaneous B. Mucosal C. Renal D. Skeletal muscle 10. Phenylephrine instilled in the eye produces: A. Mydriasis but no cycloplegia B. Cycloplegia but no mydriasis C. Both mydriasis and cycloplegia D. Neither mydriasis nor cycloplegia 11. Dexamphetamine produces an apparently paradoxical effect in: A. Addicts B. Athletes C. Parkinsonian patients D. Hyperkinetic children 12. Which of the following drugs attenuates the antihypertensive action of β-blockers: A. Cimetidine B. Indomethacin C. Chlorpromazine D. Imipramine 13. The following disease is worsened by propranolol: A. Glaucoma B. Benign prostatic hypertrophy C. Raynaud’s disease D. Parkinsonism 14. The effect of propranolol on heart rate is least marked under the following condition: A. Physical exercise B. Rest C. Anxiety D. Sick sinus syndrome 15. Select the β adrenergic blocker that is primarily eliminated unchanged by renal excretion: A. Propranolol B. Metoprolol C. Esmolol D. Atenolol videos links: Prometric exam DHA and SLE:    • #prometric #SLE and #DHA mcqs pharmac...   Pharmacy sig codes:    • prescriptions  #abbreviations || sig ...   Antidote and anti poisoning agent:    • Antidotes || poisoning indication || ...   MCQs in Biochemistry:    • Biochemistry (carbohydrates) mcqs part 1   MCQs of drugs used in disorders of coagulation part-1:    • Drugs used in disorders of coagulatio...   MCQs of drugs acting on hematopoietic system part-1:    • Drugs Acting On Hematopoietic System ...   MCQs of anxiolytics agents part-1:    • Anxiolytic agents | Anti-anxiety | Be...   MCQs of pharmacology very important questions part-6:    • Pharmacology MCQs part-6 || Very impo...   MCQs of pharmacology very important questions part-7:    • Very important #questions MCQs Part-7...   MCQs of Antihypertensive drugs part-1:    • Antihypertensive Drugs | MCQs | pharm...   MCQs of Antiparkinsonian drugs part-1:    • Antiparkinsonian drugs mcqs | pharmac...   NAPLEX pass rate MCQs part-1:    • mcqs of pharmacology and medicinal ch...   music in this video: Killing Time by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/