"The Deep" (Journey to the Depths of the Hillside Mission) - Dan Seitz - Hillside – August 4, 2024

"The Deep" (Journey to the Depths of the Hillside Mission) - Dan Seitz - Hillside – August 4, 2024

Join your whole church family this Sunday morning for a Communion worship service on Hillside's beautiful, retreat center-like campus at 10:00. In addition to praising God in song under Carolyn's skilled leadership, bonding with each other, and eating the Lord's meal with him, we'll be hearing an important message from God's word. If you're able, please join us in person. Everyone wants to see you! Come worship with Hillside Covenant Church LIVE at 10:00 AM both online and in person as Dan Seitz teaches from Matthew 28:18-20 & Ephesians 4:11-13. To view or download a copy of this week’s bulletin and sermon notes follow this link: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?co... If you are new to Hillside and are looking for ways to get connected and build community, visit our website: https://www.hillsidecovenant.org/ We welcome you to Hillside and are so glad you joined us today! To give in support of Hillside Covenant and its ministries follow this link: https://hillsidecovenant.churchcenter...