"투표장치 따라해보기" - 한미연합회 현장투표 안내 비디오/ Korean American Coalition "How to use the new vote machine"
*주의사항*: 얼바인과 플러튼 및 오렌지 카운티에 거주하시는 분들은 투표 장치 시스템이 로스 엔젤레스 카운티 것과 다릅니다 등록하신 카운티 선거관리국의 정보를 확인하세요 아직 등록하지 않은 유권자, 우편투표지를 못 받으시거나 잘못 받으신 분들은 선거일 당일까지 거주하는 카운티 내 어느 투표 센터든 방문하여 당일 유권자 등록을 하시고 직접 투표할 수 있습니다 Voters who have not yet registered to vote, as well as voters who have not received a vote by mail ballot or received the wrong ballot, can still vote in person at the vote centers by the Election day The Korean American Coalition produced this video in order to inform Korean American voters in the Los Angeles County who may be unfamiliar with the new vote machine and voting system, which are being implemented for the first time in this election We hope you will share this video widely, encouraging the Korean American electorate to vote in the Los Angeles County Supported by Overseas Koreans Foundation (OKF)