Rite Two Holy Eucharist 10:00AM | The Second Sunday in Lent | 16 March 2025
St. John’s Episcopal Church | Portsmouth, NH Joining us today? Visit our website at http://www.stjohnsnh.org All music recorded by St. John's musicians All music under OneLicense A-726442 Order of Service:Introduction Prelude, “Prelude on an Old Folk Tune,” Amy Beach, plus Community Announcements Start of Service, Penitential Order, Confession and Absolution, and Trisagion The Collect of the Day The First Reading, Genesis 15, 1-12, and 17-18 Psalm 27, 1-10 Sequence Hymn 495, “Hail, thou once despised Jesus” The Gospel, Luke 13, 31-35 The Sermon, The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr. The Nicene Creed The Prayers of the People and The Peace Community Announcements Offertory Anthem, “The Humble Heart,” Kevin Siegfried The Great Thanksgiving, Sanctus The Lord's Prayer, Agnus Dei Communion Anthem, “Peace I Leave With You,” Amy Beach Post Communion Prayer and The Blessing Recessional Hymn 401, “The God of Abraham praise,” and The Dismissal The Postlude, “Once More, My Soul,” George Shearing End of service and Community Announcements