I Watched Ne Zha 2 Without Knowing the Runtime — Is It Better Than Across the Spider-Verse?

I Watched Ne Zha 2 Without Knowing the Runtime — Is It Better Than Across the Spider-Verse?

I watched Ne Zha 2 completely blind — no trailers, no runtime, no expectations — and tracked every time I felt the urge to check the clock. This Pocket Watch Review breaks down how the film feels when you have no idea how long it is. Is Ne Zha 2 secretly brilliant? Is it propaganda? And most importantly… does the animation rival or even beat Across the Spider-Verse? 📅 Subscribe for weekly Pocket Watch Reviews every Friday at 1PM EST. 🕰️ Runtime checks = Pocket Watch Checks. The fewer, the better the pacing. 🔽 Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:18 Pocket Watch Predictions 01:51 The AMC Journey 03:02 Quick Car Debrief 03:27 Pocket Watch Checks 04:27 Spoiler Free Review/Rating #PocketWatchReview #NeZha2 #NeZha #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #ChineseAnimation #MovieReview #IsItPropaganda #AnimationRanking #MovieReaction #NoSpoilers #FirstTimeWatch #RuntimeCheck #BlindWatch #MoviePacing #PocketWatchCheck