Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World | Book Review

Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World | Book Review

Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World | Book Review About This Book Summary - In BOLD, Steven and Peter offer a highly practical playbook that arms today's entrepreneurs, activists and leaders with the tools and techniques they need to positively impact the world while simultaneously making their biggest dreams come true. To make good on that promise, the book unfolds in three parts: Part One focuses on the exponential technologies which are disrupting today's Fortune 500 and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from 'I've got a new idea' to 'I run a billion-dollar company' far faster than ever before. Part Two of the book focuses on the Psychology of Bold-the mental toolkit that allows the world's top innovators to raise their game by thinking at scale, including detailed advice and lessons from technology gurus such as Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. Also in Part Two, Steven reveals the keys to ultimate human performance garnered from fifteen years of research with the Flow Research Colletive and other projects - and I reveal my entrepreneurial secrets garnered from starting seventeen companies. Part Three closes the book with a look at the incredible power and essential best practices that allows anyone to leverage today's hyper-connected crowd like never before. Here, you'll learn how to harness crowdsourcing solutions to massively increase the speed of your business, to design and use incentive competitions to find breakthrough solutions, to launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of available capital, and finally, to build exponential communities-armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true. book review animated book summary outliers book summary power of silence book summary animated book summary of 5am club models book summary the richest man in babylon book summary the power of silence book summary readers book club,onepercentbetter entrepreneur readers books club summary personal development financial education personal finance book report sparknotes think and grow rich robin sharma book review models mark manson outliers: the story of success secrets of success how to make money power of silence in hindi outliers book review young adult literature surrounded by idiots pharrell places to buy books online power of silence surrounded by idiots book review benefits of waking up at 5am magician's nephew summary power of silence book the 5 am club the 5am club robin sharma 12 rules for life an antidote to chaos power of silence book review the 5am club knowledge for men secrets of being successful simplebooks sri lanka the magician's nephew the power of silence 12 rules for life an antidote to chaos review,c. s. lewis the 5am club book magician's nephew analysis 12 rules for life summary youtube magician's nephew audiobook how to attract girls 12 rules for life book 12 rules for life peterson last minute book report the power of silence book review mark manson audiobook test new ideas models attract through honesty summary how to attract women 12 rules for life summary the 5am club own your morning. elevate your life magician's nephew part the psychology of money timeless lessons on wealth greed and happiness by morgan housel surrounded by idiots,the 5am club summary models mark manson review outliers book sinhala animated short film the power of silence in hindi minute book report 12 rules for life audiobook full surrounded by idiots lion king the habit protocol books in sri lanka 12 rules for life book review good to great the richest man in babylon review models attract through honesty review 12 rules for life jodran peterson the richest man in babylon assets think and grow rich summary 12 rules for life by jordan peterson the 5 am club summary in english 12 rules for life review,business book book analysis book discussion earn money