First Sunday of Christmas - 10:00 AM, December 26, 2021
We continue the Twelve Days of Christmas by singing carols, by hearing of God’s promises in scripture come true for all the earth and by celebrating Emmanuel, God with us, in the mystery of the Mass and in the unity of Christian community. Christians began celebrating the birth of Jesus on December 25 near the beginning of the fourth century. By the beginning of the fifth century, a midnight celebration on Christmas Eve was held in Rome and spread throughout Western Europe. Christmas Masses soon became among the most beloved services of the year for Christians. The gospels of Matthew and Luke both record the story of Christ’s birth. John’s gospel begins with a proclamation on the meaning of it. The mystery of God becoming Man in Christ is a fundamental Christian belief. Our Celebrant and Preacher today is: The Rev. Matthew H. Mead Today’s Music, Hymns, and Scripture Lessons are available at: https://christchurchpelham.org/worship/ Live-stream licensed under OneLicense.net A-713125.