8 RED FLAG Signs Your Body Gives You A MONTH Before A Heart Attack!

8 RED FLAG Signs Your Body Gives You A MONTH Before A Heart Attack!

Did you know that your body warns you weeks before a heart attack? Many people ignore these early signs, which can be life-threatening! In this video, we reveal 8 warning signs that could indicate an impending heart attack. Recognizing these symptoms early could save your life or the life of someone you love! #preventheartdisease #hearthealth #heartfailure Summary: 1. Unusual Fatigue: "One of the earliest signs of an impending heart attack is unusual fatigue. If you feel extremely tired, even after getting enough sleep, your heart might be struggling to pump blood efficiently. This can happen due to reduced oxygen levels in the blood, which puts extra stress on your heart." 2.Chest pain: Chest pain or discomfort is one of the most common signs of a heart attack. It may feel like pressure, tightness, or burning in your chest. This happens when arteries leading to your heart become blocked, reducing blood flow. 3. Shortness of Breath: If you find yourself struggling to breathe, even when you’re not exerting yourself, this could be a sign that your heart isn’t pumping blood properly. Shortness of breath often occurs before chest pain in heart attack cases. 4. Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Frequent dizziness or feeling lightheaded could mean poor circulation, which affects oxygen flow to your brain. If you experience sudden dizziness along with chest discomfort, seek medical help immediately! 5. Cold Sweats: Breaking out in a cold sweat for no reason can be a major red flag. This happens when your nervous system responds to the stress of your heart struggling to function properly. 6. Nausea and Stomach Pain: Many people mistake nausea and stomach pain for indigestion. However, these symptoms could indicate heart trouble, especially in women. If you feel persistent nausea, especially with other symptoms, don’t ignore it! 7. Weakness: Pain spreading to your arms, neck, or jaw is a classic heart attack warning sign. This happens because nerves connected to the heart also send pain signals to these areas. 8. Irregular Heartbeat: A racing or irregular heartbeat, especially if it’s accompanied by weakness or dizziness, could signal a serious heart condition. If your heart suddenly starts beating unusually fast or irregularly, it’s time to consult a doctor.