Today's Catholic Mass Gospel and Reflection for March 18, 2025 - Matthew 23:1-12
#thewordtodaytv #catholicgospelreading #gospelreadingsfortoday #CatholicGospelandReflection Today's Catholic Mass Gospel and Reflection for March 18, 2025 - Matthew 23:1-12 The Path to True Greatness Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent Lectionary: 231 Verse Before the Gospel: Ezekiel 18:31 Cast away from you all the crimes you have committed, says the LORD, and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees have sat down in the chair of Moses. Therefore, whatever they tell you, observe and do. But do not act according to their works, for they say but do not do. They tie up heavy, burdensome loads and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves will not lift a finger to move them. They do all their deeds to be seen by others. They widen their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments. They love the places of honor at banquets, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called ‘Master’ by others. But you must not be called ‘Master,’ for you have one Master, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth ‘Father,’ for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘Teachers,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” == Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - A moment with GOD through HIS WORD. Reflection: Do you seek recognition and praise, or do you find true fulfillment in serving others with humility and love? Prayer: My humble Lord, thank You for the witness of Your humility. You chose to put all people first, even to the point of allowing Yourself to experience the suffering and death which was a consequence of our sins. Give me a heart that is humble, dear Lord, so that You can use me to share Your perfect love with others. Jesus, I trust in You. === Follow us: Viber: https://bit.ly/twtonviber Facebook: / thewordtoday Telegram: https://t.me/CatholicsDailyGospel Reflection and Prayer: == https://mycatholic.life/books/catholi... Copyright © 2020 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life == Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material used under 'fair use' for religious, educational, and inspirational purposes. I do not claim ownership of the copyrighted content. If you believe any material infringes on your copyright, please contact me at [email protected], and I will address it promptly. == Music: Dreamland by Aakash Gandhi From Youtube Audio Library Today's Gospel Reading,Matthew 23:1-12,Gospel of Matthew,Gospel and Reflection,daily gospel reading,daily gospel,catholic mass reading,catholic bible reading,daily mass bible readings,catholic mass today,mass readings for today,gospel readings 2024,daily mass readings,the word today,gospel reading for today,daily reflection,daily gospel reflection,today's mass readings,catholic readings today,gospel for today,gospel of the day,gospel today,today's gospel