The Six Synovial Joints | The most common and movable type of joint in the human body | Arlak

The Six Synovial Joints | The most common and movable type of joint in the human body | Arlak

The Six Synovial Joints | Ball-and-Socket, Hinge Joints, Pivot Joints, Condyloid Joints, Saddle Joints, Gliding Joints what is Synovial Joints ? Synovial joints are the most common and movable type of joint in the human body. They are characterized by the presence of a fluid-filled joint cavity that allows for smooth movement. 1. Ball-and-Socket It consists of a spherical head fitting into a cup-like socket, allowing movement in multiple planes. Example: shoulder joint (between the humerus and scapula) and hip joint (between the femur and pelvis). 2. Hinge Joints Hinge joints allow movement in one plane (like a door hinge), permitting flexion and extension movements. Example: elbow joint (between the humerus and ulna) and knee joint (between the femur and tibia). 3. Pivot Joints Pivot joints are a type of synovial joint that allow rotational movement around a central axis. Example: the atlantoaxial (between the first and second cervical vertebrae) and the proximal radioulnar (allowing rotation of the forearm). 4. Condyloid Joints Condyloid joints permit movement in two planes, allowing flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumduction. Example: the wrist joint (between the radius and carpal bones) and the metacarpophalangeal joints (knuckles). 5. Saddle Joints Saddle joints have both concave and convex regions, resembling a saddle, allowing movement in two planes. Example: the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (between the trapezium bone and the first metacarpal). 6. Gliding Joints Gliding joints allow sliding or gliding movements in various directions within a limited range. Example: intercarpal joints (between the carpal bones of the wrist) and intertarsal joints (between the tarsal bones of the foot). 0:00 What is Synovial Joints 0:15 Ball-and-Socket 0:32 Hinge Joints 0:50 Pivot Joints 1:07 Condyloid Joints 1:25 Saddle Joints 1:41 Gliding Joints #arlak #arlakbiotech #qualitypharma #educational #educationalvideo #medical #medicaleducation #Synovialjoints #joint #Ball-and-Socket #HingeJoints #PivotJoints #CondyloidJoints #SaddleJoints #GlidingJoints #humanbodyfacts #humanbody #humanbodyquiz #humanbodysystem