#shorts ഗോതമ്പ്പൊടി ഉണ്ടോ?നിമിഷനേരം മതി ക്രിസ്പി സ്നാക്ക്‌ gothambu podi recipes | 4 mani palaharam

#shorts ഗോതമ്പ്പൊടി ഉണ്ടോ?നിമിഷനേരം മതി ക്രിസ്പി സ്നാക്ക്‌ gothambu podi recipes | 4 mani palaharam

wheat flour snack items, wheat flour recipeswheat flour recipes, wheat flour snacks recipe,wheat flour recipes,wheat flour snacks recipe,wheat flour chips,wheat flour chips, wheat flour chips recipe,wheat flour chips recipe,gothambu podi sweet recipes malayalam,tea time snacks,wheat flour chips recipe, gothambu podi sweet recipes malayalam. Kerala cuisine has an exhaustive list of traditional tea-time snacks. The list of ingredients is available in your pantry, making it possible to make these delicious snacks. Many of these snacks, can be quickly whipped up with rice flour, coconut, and jaggery. snack recommendations from Kerala that are easy to cook at home. These sweet and savory snacks are heartwarming and will make you nostalgic. It is by no means is a complete list. I am sharing some of the top picks of this blog in one space for easy reference. If you like to try, more recipes check my earlier post on 10 Quick and Easy Kerala Snacks/ Tea time snacks that you can make in under 20 minutes. Please leave your valuable comments and feedback about this recipe . If u Like our Video Please Share and Subscribe 🙏 #4manipalaharam #nalumanipalaharam #bananasnack #QuickSnacks #gothamburecipesinmalayalam #gothambupodirecipesmalayalam #4manipalaharamwithgothambupodi #attarecipemalayalam #attasmacksmalayalam #atta4manipalaharam #4manipalaharamwithgothambu#4manipalaharam #4manipalaharammalayalam #eveningsnacksinmalayalam #eveningsnacks #steamedsnacksmalayalam #steamedsnacksrecipesinmalayalamwithwheatflour #wheatflourrecipes #wheatfloursnacks #wheatflourbreakfast #wheatfloursnackrecipesinmalayalam #wheatfloursnacksrecipesweet #healthywheatfloursnackrecipe #gothambu4manipalaharam #gothambupodikondu4manipalaharam #gothambukondu4manipalaharam #4manipalaharangalmalayalam #4manipalaharammalayalam #4manipalaharangal #4manipalaharamwithoutoil #4manipalaharamrecipesinmalayalam #4manipalaharangalmalayalamsimple #4manipalaharangalmalayalameasy #4manipalaharangalmalayalamgothambupodi #gothambupodisnacks #gothqmbupodisnacksmalayalam #gothambupodisnacksrecipesmalayalam #gothambusnackswithoutoil #wheatpodisnacks #gothambupodieveningsnacks #gothambupodisweersnacks #eveningsnacksrecipe #eveningsnackswithoutoil #eveningpalaharam #eveningpalaharangalinmalayalam #eveningpalaharammalayalam #eveningpalaharangal #4മണിപലഹാരം #4maniപലഹാരം #nalumanipalaharam #nalumanipalaharanagal #simpleeveningpalaharam #4manipalaharamrecipesinmalayalam #4manipalaharamwithwheatflour #palaharamrecipemalayalam #palaharangalrecipeinmalyalam #easypalaharangal #thaninadan #wheatflourrecipes #eveningsnacks #healthysnacks #healthyrecipes #snacks #wheat #storablesnacks #storing #gothambupodi #wheatrecipes #healthy #crunchy #crispy #cookwithstuthi #keralafoods #simplerecipes #keralastyle