DIY CO2 SETUP on a BUDGET The EASY Way to Save Money!

DIY CO2 SETUP on a BUDGET The EASY Way to Save Money!

This is a step-by-step tutorial of how to make an DIY CO2 setup for planted aquarium tank at home. DIY Complete Tutorial Accessories: 1. Diy CO2 kit(1700 rs) 2. 2Litters soda bottles(50rs) 3. Baking soda 200grms(40rs) 4. Citric acid 200grms(100rs) 5. Co2 diffuser(200rs) 6. U bend pipe (100rs) 7. Non return valve(20rs) 8. Vacuum clips(5rs) Procedure: 1. Add citric acid to bottle A 200grms and add 600ml of water to bottle A. 2. Add baking soda to bottle B 200grms and add 200ml of water to bottle B 3. Assemble with DIY CO2 kit as shown in video 4. Shake the bottle well till the chemical get dissolve in water 5. Compress the bottle B for reaction , bottle A citric acid will come into bottle B and started reactions and pressure will build inside the bottle. 6. Slowly adjust the control valve until you see bubbles in diffuser 7. Once bubbles started you can adjust the bubble count as per your requirement. Enjoy the video till last and please make sure your subscribing this channel for upcoming interesting videos Thank you. PK ADVENTURE HOBBY. Is all about hobbis like Unique Aquarium setups Pets Adventure Bike riding Fishing Adventure trecking wildlife traveling etc..