Pr.Miriam Warugaba Atumbudde ne Pr. Rebecca Mafuta Mangi Part 3 - #wakyaliwoessuubiprogram

Pr.Miriam Warugaba Atumbudde ne Pr. Rebecca Mafuta Mangi Part 3 - #wakyaliwoessuubiprogram

PR.MIRIAM WARUGABA LIVE WITH "WAKYALIWO ESSUUBI PROGRAM" Testimony Moment #wakyaliwoessuubiprogram - Pr.Miriam Warugaba Atumbudde ne Pr. Rebecca Mafuta Mangi Wakyaliwo Essuubi Wetujjuririla Katonda Olwebyo Byakoze Mu Bulamu Bwaffe.! Pr.Miriam Warugaba Akuyise Kujya Okutendereza Awamu n'oKusinza Mukama Mu "KWAGALA KATONDA CONCERT" Which will take place On 13th of April 2025, The Doors will be Open from 8:00am till Late at Kitebi Primary School Play Grounds Opposite Kitebi Secondary School I'm Sure Your life Won't Remain the same. Be Blessed Ba Mikwano | Enjoy Pastor Miriam Warugaba spiritual revival and uplifting messages, Pastor Miriam Warugaba is also a member of Mutundwe Christian Fellowship Deliverance Service Headed by Pastor Tom Mugerwa and Justine Mugerwa and She is also a Gospel worship musician, #PastorMiriamWarugaba #PastorDenisWarugaba #WakyaliwoEsuubiMiracleChurch MutundweChristianFellowship #pastortommugerwa #pastorJustineMugerwa #pastorJosepheSekisaka #pastorJosephBuyungo #PastorVicentMuwanguziMulembegwe