City of Mableton - City Council Meeting - September 11, 2024
CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. PRESENTATIONS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/PROCLAMATIONS a. YMCA Programs - Jared Guyer, Executive Director 8. APPOINTMENTS 9. PUBLIC COMMENTS - 2 minutes per speaker - no more than 30 minutes for all speakers. Anyone wishing to make a public comment should complete and submit the public comment card to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. 10. CONSENT AGENDA a. Ratifiction of 1245 Veterans Memorial, Suite 20 Lease b. Ratification of Contract with Consultant Chris Pike for Financial Services c. August 26, 2024 Work Session Minutes d. August 28, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS a. First Read - An Ordinance and Adoption Agreement for City of Mableton Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (GMEBS) Retirement Plan - September 11, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Pg 2 b. Consideration and Approval of Resolution Authorizing and Approving Mayor to Execute an IGA between Mableton Development Authority (MDA) and City of Mableton - City Manager Bill Tanks c. CBI - Funding for Furniture for 6116 Mableton Parkway - City Manager Bill Tanks 13. OTHER BUSINESS/DISCUSSION 14. CITY MANAGER'S ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMENTS 15. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMENTS 16. MAYOR AND COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMENTS 17. EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) FOR LITIGATION (O.C.G.A. 50-14- 3(B)(1)(A)REAL ESTATE(O.C.G.A. 50-14-3 (B)(1)) PERSONNEL ( O.C.G.A. 50-14-3 (B)(2)) AND MISC. EXEMPTIONS ( O.C.G.A. 50-14-3 (B)(4)&(5)) 18. ADJOURNMENT