Where was JESUS during the WAR IN HEAVEN? The Truth Revealed!
Did Jesus play a role in the War in Heaven? Explore Revelation 12:7-9, early teachings & biblical clues in this eye-opening video! ============= To Subscribe: / @bibleshortstories 👉Helping you on your spiritual journey, one chapter at a time! ============= Where was JESUS during the WAR IN HEAVEN? The Bible hints at a celestial battle before creation. But where was Jesus during this epic War in Heaven? Join Bible Short Stories as we delve into scripture to uncover the truth! This video explores: The Biblical account of the War in Heaven (Revelation 12:7-9) The role of Jesus Christ according to different interpretations Early Christian teachings on the pre-mortal existence of Jesus Connecting the dots between Scripture and tradition Prepare to be surprised! This video might challenge your understanding of Jesus' role in the grand narrative of the Bible. Leave a comment below! What are your thoughts on the War in Heaven? 🔰We hope you all enjoy it! REMEMBER: LIKE this video if you LOVE it! and SHARE for more 😊 ============================ 🎥 Check out the Playlist 🎦 🔶Bible Shorts; 🔗 • Bible Shorts 🔶Secrets of the Bible Revealed!: 🔗 • Secrets of the Bible Revealed! 🔶Biblical Quotes for the Day: 🔗 • Biblical Quotes for the Day 🔶Characters in the Bible: 🔗 • Characters in the Bible 🔶Book of Exodus: 🔗 • Book of Exodus 🔶Book of Genesis: 🔗 • Book of Genesis ============================ 🔔 Subscribe & Stay Tuned: Hit the bell icon to stay updated with the latest videos, Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments – we love hearing from you! 🔎Hashtags #WarInHeaven #JesusChrist #BibleShortStories #Revelation12 #BiblicalProphecy #SpiritualWarfare #HeavenlyBattle #ChristianTheology #LuciferFall #BiblicalMystery #JesusBeforeCreation #FaithExplained #BibleStudy #EndTimes #BiblicalTruth »»————-THANK YOU————-««