ASMR 지리산계곡 맑은물소리 잠이솔솔오는 수면영상//(Jirisan Valley Clear Water Sound Sleep Video)

ASMR 지리산계곡 맑은물소리 잠이솔솔오는 수면영상//(Jirisan Valley Clear Water Sound Sleep Video)

#지리산 #산속골짜기 #깊은산속계곡 #수면유도영상 (Sleeping video of clear water sound in a small valley deep in Jirisan Mountain) 비가 살짝내리는날 지리산인근 이름없는작은계곡 다녀왔습니다 이번에는 산속 깊은곳까지 들어가 보았어요 산짐승이 무서웠지만 좀더 멋진영상과 소리를 얻어보고싶은욕심에 무리좀했습니다 ^^ 구독&좋아요는 저에게 큰 도움이 됩니다 ^^ 많은사랑부탁드려요~~^^ I went to a small valley near Jirisan Mountain on a rainy day This time, I went deep into the mountains I was afraid of the mountain animals I was too eager to get a better video and sound ^^ Subscribe & like is very helpful to me ^^ Please give us a lot of love ~~^^