Why does Evangelist F Baxter share the gospel?. Romans 1:16. By Evangelist F Baxter.

Why does Evangelist F Baxter share the gospel?. Romans 1:16. By Evangelist F Baxter.

Welcome 🌏 🙏 🛣🙏🌐everyone from near and far welcome in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God. My topic Why Evangelist F Baxter share the gospel? ladies and gentlemen, I share the gospel because God put a burning desire in me and a desire to serve him and a desire to be a Watchman pointing out the truth to all. sharing the word of God with one and all encouraging everyone kindly take a minute out of your busy schedule to share the word of God with others, This is the best thing to give to someone the word of God that will last forever and the great news is that Jesus Christ the son of God said if I go I will come again signs of the times are everywhere that Jesus Christ is coming again. St John chapter 14:1-3. Thank you for sharing in advance. For more messages here are our YouTube channel links below. ‪@evangelistfbaxterzionswall‬ #shortmessageevangelistfbaxter #zionswallbroadcast #evangelistfbaxter #elderfbsharingthegospel . our website Www.zionswallbroadcastministry.com. By Evangelist F Baxter. God bless you and your family even now 🙏 Please feel free to share with others.