12 #DEATH OF A PARTNER IN KANNADA 2 PUC #executor account
In case of a partnership at will, the retiring partner must provide a written legal notice to all the other firm partners stating his intention to retire from the partnership firm. Once the partner is retired from the partnership firm, they are not liable to any third party dealing with the firm. #retirement #retirementofpartner 2) Accounting for partnership concept Video 1 link - • #1 Accounting For Partnership Firm Ba... Video 2 link - • #2 Accounting For Partnership Firm Ba... Video 3 link - • #3 Accounting For Partnership Firm Ba... Video 4 link - • #4 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 5 link - • #5 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 6 link - • #6 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 7 link - • #7 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 8 link - • #8 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 9 link - • #9 Accounting For Partnership Firm cl... Video 10 link - @accountancykarnataka867 @EntertainmentAccess @accountancyrbg9137 @Blippi @KarnatakaTvNews @KarnatakaYouTubeChannel @KarnatakaExpres @gagankapoor4276 @EDUcareKarnataka @DPUEDKPUCPA @pucukkalbu @pue @financial accounting @bookkeeping @accounting basics @accounting for partnership firms @partnership accounting @partnership accounting introduction @Accounting for partnership firm basic concepts class 12 @partnership accounts 2nd puc karnataka @Partnership accounting @online class @Dpue dkpucpa kannada @Business studies Karnatak @Educare karnataka @accountancy karanataka #accountancy Karnataka #financial accounting #revaluation #revaluationaccount #accounting basics #accounting for partnership firms #partnership accounting #Accounting for partnership firm basic concepts class 12 #profit and loss appropriation account #Dpue dkpucpa kannada #Educare karnataka #gagan kapoor #naresh agarwal What is Revaluation Account? A Revaluation Account is outlined to determine net profit or loss on revaluation of assets and liabilities and including those items that are unrecorded into books. Revaluation account is prepared at the time of admission of a new partner or in case of death or retirement of a partner. A revaluation account is an accounting tool used to adjust the value of assets and liabilities in a company's balance sheet to reflect its current market value. This adjustment can be made when there is a significant change in the value of the assets or liabilities, such as a change in market conditions or the company's financial position. In this blog post, we'll look closer at revaluation accounts and how they are used in accounting. When a company makes a significant change in its assets or liabilities, it must adjust the value of those items in its financial statements. This adjustment is necessary to ensure the company's financial statements accurately reflect its current financial position. However, complications can be there in such adjustments, especially when the company has many assets and liabilities. This is where a revaluation account comes in. accountancykarnataka867 11.9K subscribers 199 videos. Kannada Accounting classes. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Shorts. Live. Playlists. Community. Channels. accountancykarnataka867 11.9K subscribers 199 videos. Kannada Accounting classes. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Shorts. Live. Playlists. Community. Channels. • #2nd chapter #Accounting for partner...