16 Surprising TAMARIND SEED Health Benefits Including Skin, Arthritis & Joint Pain
https://www.epicnaturalhealth.com/16-... Most of us know that the tangy tamarind fruit is packed with health benefits. But did you know that even its seed is rich in proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids and minerals? Tamarind seeds act as a home remedy for indigestion, throat infections, arthritis and cancer, to name just a few of their benefits. Stay tuned for some of the most common health benefits and ways to use tamarind seeds for better health. 1. Beneficial for teeth It’s said that rubbing tamarind seed powder on your gums and teeth may have beneficial effects, especially for people who smoke a lot. Excessive consumption of soft drinks and smoking can lead to tartar and plaque. Tamarind seeds come to your rescue by cleaning your teeth properly. 2. Helps in Promoting Digestion Tamarind seed juice is known to be a natural remedy for curing indigestion and increasing bile production. Not only that, but it’s rich in dietary fibre, which further helps to naturally reduce cholesterol. Fibre also helps to improve your digestive system. You can treat indigestion naturally by making your own tamarind seed juice. Additionally, the red outer coat of tamarind contains a compound which acts as a good treatment for diarrhoea. 3. May prevent infections Thanks to their antibacterial properties, tamarind seeds may be able to help protect your skin and body from infections. Studies suggest that the seeds can protect the body from intestinal and urinary tract infections, though more research is needed on the subject. 4. Helps manage diabetes Tamarind seeds can protect the pancreas, helping it to maintain a good level of insulin-producing cells. Drinking tamarind seed water is thought to help manage blood sugar levels naturally. Tamarind seeds can also lower blood glucose levels by lowering the pressure on the pancreas. For diabetic people struggling with their weight, tamarind seeds can assist in weight loss while improving insulin resistance at the same time. It’s worth knowing, though, that tamarind might lower blood sugar levels. There is a concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control, so if you have diabetes and you want to start use tamarind seeds in your diet, make sure to monitor your blood sugar levels closely. You may also need to make the appropriate dosing adjustments for your diabetes medications. 5. Heart-friendly Tamarind seeds contain potassium, which can be useful for patients suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. They are also rich in unsaturated fats, which play a key role in keeping your cholesterol in control. The essential fatty acids found in tamarind seeds prevents cardiovascular disorders such as coronary heart disease, along with preventing high blood pressure. You can use tamarind seeds alongside medications to stay heart healthy. It’s best to consult a doctor before using the seeds for managing any health condition, and they’re certainly not miracle-workers, so don’t consider using them alone without your essential medication. 6. Treats Sore Throat Tamarind seed juice can be used as a natural mouth wash, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds, which help to fight sore throats and throat infections. There are many stories on the internet from people who claim that tamarind seed juice, made by adding a pinch of tamarind seed powder in a glass of warm water, has worked wonders for their sore throat in just minutes – but other research argues that tamarind seed powder should be avoided by people with sore throats, so this one’s up for debate! It’s still worth a try if you’re dealing with a scratchy throat – just gargle with the solution to hopefully experience soothing relief. 7. Promotes Immunity Packed with immune boosting properties, tamarind seed aids in the production of haemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The seeds also showed an increase in the level of immune cells in research. These offer protection against a wide range of infections and diseases. Tamarind is a rich source of vitamin C and has antiseptic properties which help the body to heal from a wide range of infections. Consuming tamarind seeds on a daily basis is a great way to stay virus and infection-free. 8. Treats Arthritis Emerging studies have found that tamarind seeds can ease joint pain and provide relief from symptoms of arthritis. This is largely down to their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to balance the body’s natural inflammation levels and prevent flare-ups. To reap the benefits of the seeds, add half a teaspoon of roasted tamarind seed powder to a glass of water and drink this solution twice a day. This is thought to be enough to improve joint lubrication and ease joint pain.