Church at Home: Bible Adventure | The Dreamer: Week 3 | LifeKids Online
Joseph had special dreams. Ask your kids what things they dream about. Talk together about what good plans God makes. Watch the SUN’S UP Prop Talk featuring a sun toy and a unique Picture Pass review together! It’s time for CHURCH AT HOME with your kids 2 to 4 years old! Follow Emily as she learns the Bible App for Kids story, The Dreamer, memorizes Jeremiah 29:11, and answers the question, “Why did God make me?” Links to resources mentioned by host: Bible Adventure Worship Album on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6sAsTi... PARENTS: Do you have questions or prayer requests? Connect with us here: https://go2.lc/lifekids Need more resources right away? Check out https://www.life.church/parents and https://bibleappforkids.com/parents/g... LifeKids is the children’s ministry of Life.Church for kids birth-6th grade. We create fun, age-appropriate videos, Christ-centered activities, small group connections, and family resources to partner with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ. SUBSCRIBE to LifeKids for weekly videos: https://go2.lc/LKYTsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to our sister channel for even more kids’ videos: https://go2.lc/KonnectHQSubscribe To learn more about our ministry and to check out kid-friendly videos without YouTube distractions, visit: https://www.life.church/kids For 100% free curriculum to accompany our videos, as well as complete, downloadable message videos, graphics, promotional and marketing materials, and church leadership tools, visit: https://open.church Are you a grown-up? Life.Church has videos just for you: / lifechurchtv Follow #LCparents on social media: Facebook: https://go2.lc/LCParentsFB Twitter: https://go2.lc/LCParentsTwitter Instagram: https://go2.lc/LCParentsInstagram #ChurchAtHome #BibleAdventure #whyamihere