कोनसा roller best है | foam roller vs towel roller | #shorts #ytshort #mmdshadab

कोनसा roller best है | foam roller vs towel roller | #shorts #ytshort #mmdshadab

कोनसा roller best है | foam roller vs towel roller | #shorts #ytshort #mmdshadab . . About this video - hi friends इस video मैं हमने rollers के बारे में कुछ ऐसी बातें बताई हैं जो आपको पहले शायद नहीं पता हो अगर आपको यह video पसन्द आई हो तो please video को like जरूर करें... . . और साथ ही हमारे YouTube channel को subscribe भी जरूर करें... ताकि ऐसी ही और latest videos हम आपके लिये बना सके...और आप कुछ ना कुछ नया सीख सकें... . . Playlist link 👇 Whitewash process full series 👇 :    • Whitewash process full series   Tools base texture 👇    • Tools base texture   Roller base texture 👇    • Roller base texture   Latest Stencils base design 👇    • Latest new stencils   polish and deco 👇    • Polish and deco   Social Media Links 👇 . . Twitter 👇   / mmdpaints   . . Instagram 👇   / mmdpaints   . . Facebook 👇   / mmdpaints   . . Contact us 👇 [email protected] . . mmdshadab Shadab painter Painter shadab wall stencils design Paint mistake Painting mistakes Paint karne ka sahi tarika Royale paint Royal paint karne ka sahi tarika Geometric pattern design Geometric wall design Best color combination Best Interior design Painting ideas Best interior paint Best exterior paint Chalk putty vs acrylic putty Chalk mitti ki putty Acrylic wall putty Jk wall putty Birla wall putty How to check washable paint Waterproof wall putty Waterproof paint Waterproofing chemical Silan ka ilaj Best interior wall primer Best exterior wall primer Paint material cost Paint labour cost Wall putty karne ka sahi tarika Wall primer karne ka sahi tarika How to apply wall putty How to apply wall primer How to apply royale paint How to apply water proofing chemical White wash full process White wash paint complete process . . . 🖥 Thanks for watching👀 . .