Divorce and Remarriage: Determining Truth (part 1) - 04/21/2024
This lesson, "Divorce and Remarriage: Determining Truth (part 1)", was Tyler Young's message from Sunday’s (April 21, 2024) worship service. It is the first in a three-part series on divorce and remarriage. The other two lessons may be found at these links: Part 2: • Divorce and Remarriage: What God Has ... Part 3: • Divorce and Remarriage: Divorce, Repe... Check out our other videos or our podcast to hear more great lessons! Website: https://www.lccofc.org Podcast: www.tinyurl.com/LCCofCPodcast #lcconnected 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘀 00:01 Introduction to the Importance of Scripture 03:08 Challenges in Interpreting Scripture 06:22 Determining Truth: Key Considerations 25:52 Application to Divorce and Remarriage 33:34 Conclusion and Call to Action