FPC Monrovia Live Worship Service September 18, 2022 10:30 AM PST

FPC Monrovia Live Worship Service September 18, 2022 10:30 AM PST

Worship Order September 18, 2022 10:30 AM PST Series: Sabbath: the rhythm of work & rest Sermon: “Remember” Pastor Joel Larson Prelude: ”Take Time to Be Holy” Call to Worship Song of Praise: “Great Things” Song of Praise: “This Is Amazing Grace” Welcome Announcements Prayer Requests Click here: http://fpcmonrovia.org/prayer-request Greeting one another (Dismiss the children) Prayers of the People Call and Thanksgiving for the Offering Click here: http://fpcmonrovia.org/giving Sermon “Remember” Pastor Joel Larson Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Song of Praise: “No Longer Slaves” Hymn # 635 He Leadethe Me, Oh Blessed thought vs 1-3 Benediction Postlude: ”Take My Life & Let It Be” Great Things Verse 1 Come let us worship our King Come let us bow at His feet He has done great things See what our Savior has done See how His love overcomes He has done great things He has done great things Chorus O Hero of Heaven You conquered the grave You free every captive and break every chain O God You have done great things We dance in Your freedom awake and alive O Jesus our Savior Your name lifted high O God You have done great things Verse 2 You’ve been faithful through every storm You’ll be faithful forevermore You have done great things And I know You will do it again For Your promise is yes and amen You will do great things God You do great things Bridge Hallelujah God above it all Hallelujah God unshakable Hallelujah You have done great things (REPEAT) You’ve done great things Ending You have done great things O God You do great things CCLI Song # 7111321 CCLI License # 11210321 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Verse 1 Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found Was blind but now I see Verse 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed Chorus My chains are gone I've been set free My God my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood His mercy rains Unending love amazing grace Verse 3 The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures Verse 4 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow The sun forbear to shine But God who called me here below Will be forever mine Will be forever mine You are forever mine CCLI Song # 4768151 CCLI License # 11210321 Scripture:Deuteronomy 5:12-15 “‘Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, or your son or your daughter, or your male or female slave, or your ox or your donkey, or any of your livestock, or the resident alien in your towns, so that your male and female slave may rest as well as you. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.” No Longer Slaves Verse 1 You unravel me with a melody You surround me with a song Of deliverance from my enemies Till all my fears are gone Chorus I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God Verse 2 From my Mother's womb You have chosen me Love has called my name I've been born again into Your family Your blood flows through my veins Bridge You split the sea so I could walk right through it My fears were drowned in perfect love You rescued me so I could stand and sing I am a child of God CCLI Song # 7030123 CCLI License # 11210321 He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought Hymn #635 Verse 1 He leadeth me, O blessed thought O words with heavenly comfort fraught Whatever I do, whenever I be Still ‘tis God’s hand that leadeth me Chorus He leadeth me, he leadeth me By his own hand he leadeth me His faithful follower I would be For by his hand he leadeth me Verse 2 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mind Nor ever murmur nor repine Content whatever lot I see Since ‘tis my God that leadeth me Verse 3 And when my task on earth is done When by thy grace the victory’s Even death’ cold wave I will not flee Since God through Jordan leadeth me. #‎FPCMonrovia